
Who drinks alcohol?

  • In 2014, a minority of adults, 18% (15% of men and 21% of women) did not drink alcohol. 

Average weekly consumption

  • The majority, 63% of men and 62% of women, drank at levels considered to be at lower risk of alcohol-related harm: that is 21 units or less per week for men and 14 units or less for women. The remaining 22% of men and 16% of women drank more than this, including 17% of men and 12% of women who drank at increasing risk levels, and 5% of men and 4% of women who drank at higher risk levels (more than 50 units a week for men, more than 35 units for women).
  • Alcohol consumption varied with age. Among men, the prevalence of drinking more than 21 units a week increased with age and was most common among men aged 65-74, 30% of whom drank at this level. Among women, the proportion who drank more than 14 units a week declined between the ages of 25 and 44, and was highest among women aged 55-64 (22%).

Minority ethnic groups

  • The proportion of adults who did not drink alcohol varied between ethnic groups. 55% of Asian men and 41% of Black men did not drink alcohol, compared with 9% of White men. Similarly, 74% of Asian women and 38% of Black women did not drink alcohol, compared with 15% of White women.
  • The proportion of White men who drank more than 21 units a week was higher than the proportions of men in other groups: 25%, compared with 6% of Black men and 6% of Asian men. The same was true for women who drank more than 14 units a week: 19% of White women, compared with 6% of Black women and 2% of Asian women.    

Drinking in the last week

  • The proportions of men who drank alcohol on five or more days in the last week increased from 5% of those aged 16-24 to 29% of those aged 65-74. Among women, 2% aged 16-24 drank on five or more days in the last week, increasing to 14% of those aged 55-74.
  • Among men who drank alcohol in the last week, 57% had drunk more than 4 units on at least one day and 29% had drunk more than 8 units in a day. Among women, 50% of those who had drunk in the last week had exceeded 3 units on at least one day, and 22% had exceeded 6 units.

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